Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Brick and Click Symposium Stuff

Last week, I went to the Brick and Click Symposium. Many months ago, they accepted a paper of mine (Comparing Bananas with Grapes: Ebook Use Data from a Bunch of Vendors), and I traveled there to give a presentation on the topic.

Enough about me. I learned a heck of a lot, and I tweeted a bunch of the sessions. Below are the major things I learned about (or had good demonstrations of) at the symposium.

  1. Conduit might be a good service to create a library toolbar, in addition to our LibX installation.
  2. Use Jing to create short screencast videos (with audio) to explain how to search particular databases.
  3. "Informing Innovation: Tracking Student Interest in Emerging Library Technologies at Ohio University" by Char Booth.
  4. One can use a LibGuide page as the base for a conference presentation, such as this.
  5. Put in short poll quizes in LibGuides in order to get feedback from the students in real time.
  6. View your statistics to see who is clicking on the library twitter links or from your blog.
  7. Promote your special collections. Put in external or reference links in wikipedia for the relevant encyclopedia entries.
  8. If you have any YouTube videos, put them in a scroller on the front of the website.
  9. SubjectsPlus could be used as an alternative to LibGuides.
  10. A Virtual Librarian in Any Class (Co-presented by Elizabeth Fox and Laura Wight) had links to a bunch of great resources, such as the Stuck in the Social Web Pocket Reference guide.
  11. Here is a plug for some of my LSW friends -- @webgoddess, @pigsinspace, @joshuamneff, @mstabbycat, and @roycekitts, @hbraum, @cclibrarian, and @gohomekiki. See the pics here, here and here.