SLA Science - Technology Division
Strategic Plan December 2010
To equip science and technology information professionals with the skills and knowledge they need to grow and excel in a changing information landscape. The Division functions as a community that supports the professional development of its members through communication, networking, education and research.
To be the professional affiliation of choice for librarians and other information professionals who serve communities in science and technology.
1. Goal - Membership – increase membership and engagement of existing members
1.1 Maintain active members and recruit new ones
1.2 Encourage participation of current and potential members
1.3 Provide opportunities for participation outside of the annual conference
1.4 Increase interaction with library school students and new professionals
2. Goal - Create a greater sense of community within the Division
2.1 Consider community enhancement when planning any programs, committee work and other activities
2.2 Provide opportunities for people to interact with other members of the Division, inspiring a greater sense of connection, including at the annual conference
2.3 Provide information by and about members through various Division communication channels
3. Goal - Enhance the value of the Division and members through professional development and virtual learning opportunities
3.1 Strengthen and enhance our mentoring program, including mentoring of recent graduates, of mid-career librarians in technological areas, and of librarians new to the Sci-Tech field
3.2 Provide résumé development workshop(s) in multiple formats
3.3 Provide programming outside the annual conference
3.4 Provide negotiation skills training
3.5 Provide activities and opportunities for participation and involvement for people who can not attend the annual conference
3.6 Help members prove their worth to their employers within a Sci-Tech context
3.7 Cooperate with other SLA Divisions where the interests of the members overlap
3.8 Offer leadership in scientific and technical librarianship, including programming both at the annual conference and virtually on emerging and continuing themes in the scientific and technical disciplines
• Conduct short surveys of the membership to elicit information about members’ needs – including thoughts on improving member engagement, benefits of joining the Division, and community engagement
• Develop marketing materials for membership recruitment and retention
• Solicit more participation in Division communications, including more writers for Sci-Tech News, blogs, and other communication modes
• Provide more information about members and their achievements: brief announcements of members’ activities within Sci-Tech News and/or our website or discussion list
• Showcase our members with more in-depth treatments such as quarterly articles within Sci-Tech News and/or our website or discussion list
• Cover topics of professional interest in Sci-Tech News, blogs, and other communication vehicles
• Encourage use of social media within the Division
• Provide programs of various types such as webinars or regional meetings
• Address the issue of flux in the STEM publishing industry
• Support Sci-Tech librarians/info professionals as they negotiate content contracts and agreements
• Support Sci-Tech librarians/info professionals as they seek professional job opportunities or professional recognition
Please let us know what you think?
This is a nice revision of our strategic plan. I'd suggest that the following groups within Sci-Tech have a very close look at this draft and consider the impact and opportunities that it offers to their work: Membership Committee, Professional Development Committee, Student Relations Committee, Public Relations Committee, Communications Committee, Sci-Tech News Team, and Professional Development Committee.
The draft is very encouraging but need specific focus on quality issues and bridging imbalances in science and technology libraries.
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