This is just preliminary, and it includes a lot of things that I probably won't go to. But, many of these sessions looked interesting. Some I have to attend. I will also be tweeting a lot of the sessions with #sla2010.
SATURDAY 06/12/2010
Session Description: Advance RSVP required to Khue Duong at Liborio’s ( is within walking distance of the hotel/convention center area. Stay tuned to PAMnet for details about reservations, prices, and a meet-up spot for those who want to walk together.
Session Description: The LDI will introduce SLA's leaders to appropriate roles and responsibilities and offer practical guidance for fulfilling responsibilities. If you are a chapter or division officer, chapter president or president-elect, division chair or chair-elect, or caucus convener, you should plan to attend. The president-elect and director candidates for the 2011 SLA Board of Directors will be on hand to participate in a moderated panel discussion. Everyone interested in learning more about leadership in SLA is invited to attend. Continental networking breakfast at 7:30 a.m.; program starts at 8:00 a.m.
Session Description: We've moved the Newcomers Lunch to Lucy's Retired Surfers Bar & Restaurant, at 701 Tchoupitoulas Street in New Orleans. The Science-Technology Division welcomes new members over lunch to learn about how to get involved in the division, network and get psyched for a great conference experience. This event is by invitation only; see Sci-Tech Division Chair of Membership Committee for details.
Session Description: The Science-Technology Division Executive Board and Advisory Council will meet for our second meeting of the year. All unit members are welcome to attend.
Session Description: In this joint presentation, Washington's best-loved couple, James Carville and Mary Matalin, give audiences an enlightening and entertaining look at today's most important political issues as well as a behind-the-scenes view of Washington politics. Carville and Matalin combine their unique experience as political insiders to provide audiences with a stimulating, candid and provocative analysis of the day's headlines and hot-button political issues. You won’t want to miss this lively and engaging exchange of views from both sides of the political aisle.
Publishers and Liaisons involved in the PAM Liaison Program meet to discuss topics of interest.Open to other interested PAM members as well.Location TBA.
Session Description: All conference attendees are invited to a night of celebration. Join us for a spectacular evening of food, drink and networking at the Mardi Gras World and Grand Oaks Mansion. Enjoy a great opportunity to peek under the veiled curtain of CARNIVAL! after hours. Help celebrate SLA award winners in this festive environment. NOTE: Shuttle buses will be available to take you from the Convention Center to Mardi Gras World after the Opening General Session. The shuttles will return to the Sheraton and Marriott New Orleans (SLA HQ Hotels) starting at 9:00 p.m. and running until the end of the event. Taxis will be available for those wanting to attend other events.
Session Description: Will the real Bob Smith please rise? Finding the work of a particular author is not simply a matter of matching the characters in that person's name—it also involves distinguishing that author from others with the same name and locating works the author wrote under different names. Several vendors will discuss the approaches they have used to identify authors and what they see for the future of author identification. As of this writing, Jessica Kowalski from Elsevier / Scopus, Ann Kushmerick from Thomson Reuters (ISI), Glenn Patton from OCLC, and Norman Richert from Mathematical Reviews have agreed to participate in this session.
Session Description: This year in 101, get an overview of national security and GIS/remote sensing and see how they fit into the life of an engineer or scientist. Our experts then introduce the best resources to help in discovering, obtaining, and working with these types of materials.
These sessions will be centered around the Unconference idea. Topics for some sessions will be determined in advance and posted on the SLA Wiki at Other sessions will focus on whatever topics participants want to discuss. Pre-registration is not required, but the sessions are limited to 75 people.
Session Description: Curious about why you should use social media tools to promote and develop your personal and professional brand? This session will describe the info pro's evolving role in the work environment. Being an employee within an organization may be a thing of the past, as more info pros shift from traditional employment to managing their own consulting practices. This requires a different set of skills, competencies and expectations of "work.” As new technologies emerge, you can use them to market your expertise, monitor and track trends, and enhance information and knowledge services.
Session Description: Join us as we explore assessment tools and strategies to demonstrate the use and value of library collections through best practices for collection metrics.
Session Description: Be a part of history by attending the inaugural session of this event! The 2010 class of SLA Rising Stars and SLA Fellows will share their collective insights into today’s hot topics in the information profession. Learn how these leading info pros are dealing with changes brought on by the digital data deluge—and of course, by the economy! Do these issues look different from the perspective of someone just making his or her mark on the profession? Come and find out as Webb Shaw of J. J. Keller moderates the first-ever SLA Rising Stars/Fellows Roundtable.
Session Description: Reading the Technology Future: Extending the presidential theme of ‘Creating the Future,’ this lively and provocative session examines the issue of users who have more control over their consumption of digital information and why the enterprise is so late? Greg Merkle will discuss social tools, next generation technologies and standards that are shaping the information economy.
Session Description: These sessions will be centered around the Unconference idea. Topics for some sessions will be determined in advance and posted on the SLA Wiki at Other sessions will focus on whatever topics participants want to discuss. Pre-registration is not required, but the sessions are limited to 75 people.
Session Description: The PAM suite will be available to PAM members to check e-mail, network with friends, and relax. Snacks and refreshments will be available.
Session Description: By 2013, Gartner predicts the most common Web access devices will be “mobile”. With ‘smart’ phones and emerging ‘tablet’ devices, people change the way they interact with information and communities. In this talk, we’ll outline major trends, evaluate possible consequences, and pinpoint ways to leverage these changes to your advantage.
The Academic, Education and Science & Technology divisions are hosting a roundtable. Join us for a lively discussion of the most current topics and hottest trends in academic librarianship. In this exciting "unconference" format, attendees will form small groups led by moderators, and will discuss a specific problem, challenge, or new trend that academic librarians face. At the end of the session, the groups will come together for a general discussion. This is a great opportunity for learning, networking, and sharing your ideas about academic librarianship!
Session Description: Attendees will divide into groups to discuss “hot topics” in PAM librarianship. There will be an opportunity to switch topics during the discussion period. Topic "chairs" will summarize findings and suggestions for the larger group at the end of the session.
Session Description: This event has been combined with the Academic Roundtable: Join us for a lively discussion of the hottest topics and trends in academic librarianship. In this exciting "unconference" format, attendees will form small groups led by moderators and will discuss a specific problem, challenge, or trend that academic librarians are facing. At the end of the session, the groups will come together for a general discussion. This is a great opportunity to learn, network, and share your ideas about academic librarianship!
What are the real-world benefits and requirements of an effective Access Preservation initiative? How will Access Preservation schemes handle new publishing models? This session explores Access Preservation from the point of view of a learned society publisher, and offers attendees the opportunity to discuss the future of Access Preservation.
Session Description: Topics focus on the future of science librarianship (captured in video, hosted on the DST site, published in the SciTech News): "The Future of Librarianship in Science and Tech Libraries" (Roth); "Using Drupal to Create the Pandemic Influenza Digital Archive for the Nat'l Institutes of Health" (King); "Promoting Public Access Policies—A New Role for Librarians"(Fernandez, Nariani, & Salmon); "Defining Future Roles from One Publisher's Perspective" (Hunter); "From Both Sides, Now: Librarians Team Up with Computer Scientists to Deliver Virtual Computer-Info Literacy Instruction" (Bloom); and "Science Librarianship Is an Essential Player in a Global Learning Company" (Mehl).
Session Description: As the principal in-house research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) conducts research to find new uses for agricultural commodities and by-products. Research related to biobased products includes the development of technologies leading to new and improved non-food products (including fuel, specialty chemicals, and industrial polymers) that expand markets for farm products, replace imports and petroleum-based products, and offer opportunities to meet environmental needs.
Session Description: This panel discussion about tenure will feature academic librarians at various stages in the tenure process. The discussion will cover what tenure is, what it does for you, and the details of the tenure process. Plenty of time will be allowed for questions, so bring your concerns to the people who know how tenure works!
Session Description: As a special addition to our meeting, the report from the PAM International Membership Award winner, Pavlinka Kovatcheva, will be presented. Thanks to American Physical Society for sponsoring the session and to World Scientific for sponsoring the award.
Session Description: Join the Science and Technology Division members for breakfast while we congratulate the winners of our 2010 awards and find out what the division is planning for 2010 and beyond.
Session Description: We all hear about data curation, digital curation, data preservation services, even e-science. What do they mean, and how will data curation affect science librarians? Find out which skills you may already possess and which ones you may want to develop so you can participate in digital data curation efforts at your own organization.
"Bringing Social Media to Any Library,” by Megan Radomski, Parametrix
"Notes for a Global Agency: Leveraging a Needs Assessment to Enhance Service Delivery," by Karen White, Fatmata McCormack, and April E. Knepp, U.S. Agency for International Development
"From Special Library to Knowledge Management: Rolling with the Good Times and Weathering Some Bumps Along the Way," by Wendy Thomas, The Environment Agency
These sessions will be centered around the Unconference idea. Topics for some sessions will be determined in advance and posted on the SLA Wiki at Other sessions will focus on whatever topics participants want to discuss. Pre-registration is not required, but the sessions are limited to 75 people.
Session Description: The use of social media by business professionals is growing rapidly. As a result, social media content can benefit more than just public relations professionals. Learn how you can use social media when performing business research and competitive intelligence tasks for your enterprise.
Session Description: The PAM suite will be available to PAM members to check e-mail, network with friends, and relax. Snacks and refreshments will be available.
Session Description: Join us for a lively session on issues facing computer science. Topics will focus on Kindle/e-reader loan programs and augmented reality. Boxed lunches will be provided while supplies last!
Session Description: Using the format of the popular TV quiz show To Tell the Truth, this session will allow attendees to question panelists and try to determine which one is the director of the “Library of the Future.” Through their answers, the panelists will reveal what will be required for the successful library of the future.
Session Description: This session addresses how information professionals and information providers are using mobile devices. It will provide an overview of chemical and scientific information available for mobile devices, demonstrate specific applications, discuss users’ expectations and experiences, and forecast how access to information using mobile devices will change information vendors and libraries.
Join our Internet gurus for a fast-paced, fun and fact filled hour. From the best to the bizarre and the most informative to the most entertaining, our panelists will spend just a minute explaining each particular site. By the end of the hour you will have witnessed 60 entertaining, educational, and informative sites.
Session Description: Thurston Miller will discuss his academic genealogy project and how he succeeded in tracing the intellectual heritage of Notre Dame’s physics faculty back through their dissertation advisors. Next representatives from several prominent physics publishers (AIP, APS, IOP, and INSPEC) will present their perspectives on the top trends in physics, including the growing interdisciplinary aspect. The session will conclude with an opportunity for attendees to discuss issues of interest, including embedded librarianship, arXiv for mobiles, arXiv's new funding model, downsizing, and more.
These sessions will be centered around the Unconference idea. Topics for some sessions will be determined in advance and posted on the SLA Wiki at Other sessions will focus on whatever topics participants want to discuss. Pre-registration is not required, but the sessions are limited to 75 people.
Session Description: Join us for a review of social technologies for individuals and organizations. Speakers will share their experiences with various tools, technologies and platforms used inside and outside their organizations, with a focus on “what to use when.”
Session Description: Our speakers include: Dr. Ben Villalón, or "Dr. Pepper," a retired Texas Extension Specialist who will discuss the scientific properties of hot sauces and more spicy information; and a chef from Juan's Flying Burrito, a local Creole Tex-Mex restaurant, will do a salsa demonstration and tasting. This spicy session is co‐sponsored with three other science divisions.
Session Description: Take dessert from strolling buffet tables with colorfully attired ladies built into the center of each table. This is your last opportunity for non-conflict networking time and refreshments in the INFO-EXPO. Stay until the closing to see if you won $2,000.
Session Description: This is the official business meeting of SLA divisions. Division chairs and chairs-elect convene to request and receive reports, advise the board on matters of division interest, and initiate proposals for board consideration. The meeting is open to all SLA members.
Session Description: Enjoy refreshments and posters showcasing the work of your colleagues in the science divisions. The themes are New Strategic Alignments; Survival and Success beyond an Economic Recession; Information Literacy: User Instruction and E-Learning in the Sciences During; and Beyond an Economic Recession: New Methods, New Participants, New Tools.
Session Description: This is the official joint business meeting of SLA chapters and divisions. Chapter presidents and presidents-elects and division chairs and chairs-elects convene to request and receive reports, advise the board on matters of chapter and division interest, and initiate proposals for board consideration. Chapter cabinet and division cabinet chair-elect candidates will also give remarks. The meeting is open to all SLA members.
Session Description: This session will focus on strategies for marketing services as a grants librarian and integrating services with university/organization practices. Speakers will discuss outreach, coordination of funding opportunities, and elements of a successful grant application. Coffee and donuts will be available (while supplies last)!
Session Description: Join us for a discussion of trends in mathematics information and communication. Discussion topics may include math publisher alerting enhancements, publication exchange programs, shared journal access, promoting open access, and math branch library consolidations. A light breakfast will be provided
These sessions will be centered around the Unconference idea. Topics for some sessions will be determined in advance and posted on the SLA Wiki at Other sessions will focus on whatever topics participants want to discuss. Pre-registration is not required, but the sessions are limited to 75 people.
Session Description: The PAM suite will be available to PAM members to check e-mail, network with friends, and relax. Snacks and refreshments will be available.
Session Description: How do information professionals step out of their offices to become vital participants in research, project planning and data curation? Find out how to embed yourself within your organization.
Session Description: This session will feature a discussion of astronomy-related topics and will include a presentation on e-science and the National Science Foundation's DataNet, an update from the Astrophysics Data System, news from the American Astronomical Association, and a report from the Sixth Library and Information Services in Astronomy (LISA) conference in Pune, India.
Session Description: In a lecture based on his forthcoming book, The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains, Nicholas Carr describes how the Internet is eroding our ability to read deeply and absorb knowledge—the skills we develop from reading books. The Shallows builds on his controversial 2008 article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”, which appeared in The Atlantic. Carr has made a name for himself questioning the conventional wisdom that information technology is a boon to society, and you won’t want to miss what he has to say about the impact of computers on how we glean information.
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